
HOW TO add MusicMaster International Support Center (MMISC) custom button in MusicMaster

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Custom Button MMISC - Setup

 The purpose of this document is to describe how to setup a working custom button pointing to MusicMaster International Support Center.

  1. Preparation of the environment

A/ Do you have the MMISC logo? 

If not, you can find it below AND as an attachment to this document.

Once you have saved the above image as a .jpg file on your computer (or after downloading the attachment), you have to cut or copy it into your MusicMaster installation folder (the same which contains the file MusicMaster.exe).

B/ Don't you use Internet Explorer as default browser? If so, we suggest to start doing it. MusicMaster is developed, tested and supported within an IE environment, even if most of its functionalities work also with other browsers.

Done? Let's move on to the next step then.


  1. MusicMaster.ini file

This file is usually located in the MusicMaster installation directory.

Two possible cases here:

A/ MusicMaster.ini not present. In this case a new empty .ini file has to be created inside MusicMaster installation folder (remember? You already saved your MMISC logo in that folder!). Then you have to rename the file as "MusicMaster.ini".
Alternatively, you can download the .ini file attached to this document and modify it.

You have now to open it with a text editor and to copy-paste the following text into it:


ToolTip=MusicMaster International Support


Some explanation for the field marked in red.

  • "Internal=1" means that you want to launch MMISC page within MusicMaster Web Browser Page. If you prefer to navigate via a full browser window (Internet Explorer), we suggest you to set this value to "0" or to remove this line from the above example.

B/ MusicMaster.ini already present. In this case you should open it with any text editor and add the following section:


ToolTip=MusicMaster International Support


Some explanation for the fields marked in red.

  • The "X" in the [UserButton] element definiton line has to replaced with an integer number. If you didn't have any UserButton in your .ini file, this number has to be 1; if you add already set up other customized buttons in your .ini file, you should insert a value equal to the highest one present in the .ini file + 1. Example: you already had two user buttons? X in this case should be equal to 3. Note: With MusicMaster 5.0 SR 15 you can add up to 5 User Buttons, so 5 is the maximum amount. 
  • "Internal=1" means that you want to launch MMISC page within MusicMaster Web Browser Page. If you prefer to navigate via a full browser window, we suggest you to set this value to "0" or to remove this line from the above example.


  1. Let's give it a try!

Please close all the instances of MusicMaster and restart it. Open your database and you should now have a button identical to the one below:

If so, the only thing left, is to try it out. First, if you inserted "Internal=1" in the .ini file, you should make sure that the web browser view is ticked as showed below:

Now, just clicking on the newly created "MMISC" button, you will have something like the picture below in the web browser window.
Note: if you selected "Internal=0" or you removed that line from MusicMaster.ini file (see step 2 of this tutorial), a new window will automatically open in your browser each time you click on your MMISC button within MusicMaster.

  1. Done?

​If the result is at least similar to the above picture, everything worked fine and you have a direct link for our support page, on which you can also find this and other useful tutorials.

If you didn't get the expected result, do not hesitate to contact.. who? Your MusicMaster International Support Center, of course! Our e-mail address is the following: We will be happy to help you setting up your environment!


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